Mark James Miller, President

Beverly Garcia, Vice President

Joan Bergstrom-Smith, Secretary/Treasurer

Dave Yundt, Member-At-Large

Hello, I’m David Yundt and I’m proud to serve as your board member representative.  I teach in the Math Sciences Department and have been serving our AHC students since 1990.  If you have an questions how the PFA can assist you or what’s happening in the Math Sciences Department, please contact me at 805-734-5071 or

Monique Segura, Member-At-Large

Monique Segura, Member-At-Large

My name is Monique L. Segura and I have been a part time instructor for the Dance Department at Allan Hancock College for the past twenty-one years.  I have recently become active in the Association as a representative to the Academic Senate and Human Resources Council.  I currently serve on the Part Time Faculty Association Executive Board as a member at large.  As well as teaching Kindergarten at Alice Shaw Elementary School in the Orcutt Union School District, I currently serve as the President of the Orcutt Educators Association.

Domenica Devine, Member-At-Large

An important part of being an educator is working to maintain the health of the
institution. As such, I am proud to be a working member of the Part Time
Faculty Association. We, the part-time faculty, teach the majority of classes
and need to be treated as an integral part of this noble endeavor. My skill set is
unique. As a scientist, I am a researcher: organized, clear, and exacting. As a
former circus performer, I can juggle ideas and the letters of acronyms as well
as walk the tightrope between educators and administrations. A former
stage/road manager, I recognize how important it is to balance personalities,
and work towards consensus and compromise. Above all, I am a proud

Michael McMahon, Member At Large

Patricia Koivisto, Member At Large

Michelle Machado, Member At Large

Richard Mahon, Member At Large

I’m Richard Mahon. I taught as a part-time faculty member at Diablo Valley College, West Valley College, and Cabrillo College, offering courses in history, humanities, philosophy and political science. I taught humanities full-time at Riverside City College from 1998 to 2016; I also served as department chair, academic senate president, curriculum committee chair, and on the CTA-affiliated union executive board at Riverside. I came to Hancock to serve as STEM dean in 2016 and went to Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) to serve as VP of Instruction before retiring in 2021. I taught courses in history and philosophy at Hancock before going to the Writing Center and teaching English 101. I also teach at UC Santa. Cruz.