President’s Letter December 2015

This will be the last letter of 2015, and I want to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a prosperous and productive 2016.

A few reminders before we sign off for the year (actually a lot of reminders this time!)

  • Your Availability Form is due Jan. 2 for summer, and Feb. 1 for spring. Be sure to get it turned in by the due date or you risk losing your assignment.
  • If you are going to file for unemployment, be sure to do so as soon as your assignment ends. (See the November President’s Letter for more information on filing for unemployment).
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance is available for members of the PFA; however, you must have a beneficiary card on file. These cards are available in the PFA office.
  • Only Pool 1 members of our bargaining unit are being evaluated at the moment. If you are in Pool 2 you shouldn’t be evaluated and be sure to let me know if anyone (like a Dean or Department Chair) tells you otherwise. (This issue appears to have been put to bed for now, but you never know).
  • Tax time will be approaching before we know it, and it is good to remember that your union dues are tax deductible.
  • The 2016 CFT Convention will take place from March 11–13 at the San Francisco Hyatt Regency. Look for a Notice of Election of Delegates and a nominating form coming via email next month, as well as more details on the convention. Take note if you are interested in attending, in that the delegates are chosen through an election in which all members are eligible to vote.

Academic Senate Votes In Favor Of Part-Timers Voting In Department Meetings

In what is for us as part-timers an historic vote, the Academic Senate on December 1 voted in favor of Part-Time Faculty voting at Department Meetings. This was one of the last barriers we faced in our quest for equality with our full-time brothers and sisters. More on this soon, for there are still a few details to be worked out.

PFA Office Open “As Needed” Over Winter Break

As you know, the PFA office has been closed on Fridays recently. With Winter Break approaching, we anticipate little need to be open except when necessary from December 10 until the week of January 18. We will, as we do now, check our voicemails and emails daily and will be available to come in and deal with any issues that come up, but otherwise the office will be mostly “dark” during this time. If you have an emergency you can call/text me at 805-235-7483.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Mark James Miller, President, Part-Time Faculty Association of Allan Hancock College, CFT Local 6185, Santa Maria, CA